Pinturas favoritas

Nighthawks (1942)
Edward Hopper

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog (1818)
Caspar David Friedrich

The Lovers (1928)
René Magritte

Aroundfish (1926)
Paul Klee

Honey Tasting Machine
Oscar Chichoni

Painting (1930)
Patrick Henry Bruce

There, Motion Has Not Yet Ceased (1945)
Yves Tanguy

The Great Wave off Kanagawa (1831)
Katsushika Hokusai

Bauhaus Stairway (1932)
Oskar Schlemmer

The Cow with the Subtile Nose (1954)
Jean Dubuffet

Americans in Paris (1927)
Guy Pène du Bois

Parcela 14
Oscar Chichoni

Le repos (1862–1921)
Joseph Bail

Dog and Bridge (1976)
Alex Colville

Saturn Devouring His Son (1823)
Francisco Goya

Stańczyk (1862)
Jan Matejko

Anguish (1878)
August Friedrich Schenck

Still Life #30 (1963)
Tom Wesselmann

Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan (1883-1885)
Ilya Repin

Menciones honorables

The Dead Man (1865)
Édouard Manet

The Potato Eaters (1885)
Vincent van Gogh

The Iron Rolling Mill (Modern Cyclopes) (1875)
Adolph Menzel

Sorrowing Old Man (At Eternity’s Gate) (1890)
Vincent van Gogh

The (Little) Tower of Babel (1563)
Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Landscape—Scene from “Thanatopsis” (1850)
Asher Brown Durand

American Gothic (1930)
Grant Wood

A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte (1886)
Georges Seurat

